Monday, September 5, 2011

Term 3 ACE Reflection

Term 3 ACE was rather rushed. This was because our deadline was in week 6 other than the usual week 8. Moreover, term 3 was the term where we had the least amount of time for science lesson, which hence resulted in us having to balance a huge workload of ace in a short period of time and still study for this term's science topics before the test.
Despite the many complains on why our deadline was so short, looking at it in a different perspective, it proved to be a challenge. At least I could look forward to this. Challenges make life more interesting than it is supposed to be. People could lead the perfect life, scoring As without studying, getting to the programs easily because everyone wants them, however, they would not feel the rush when having to study for something, the rise in tension when they are about to sleep in the exam because they studied till very late at night for the current subject.
Hence, I can actually conclude that this term's science ace actually benefited me more than the others, simply because it shows me how life is supposed to be like, not smooth sailing, but actually challenging with many obstacles.

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