Thursday, September 15, 2011

Science ACE Powerpoints

I have uploaded two of my ACE work onto SlideShare. This is just to share what I had done for my independent studies.
Science ACE on light, term 2: CLICK HERE
Science ACE on sound, term 3: CLICK HERE

Independent Research

Recently, on Science Daily, I read, in a way a comforting article regarding genes. This particular gene is linked to optimism, self esteem and 'mastery', the belief that one has control over his own life'.
When I first started reading this article, I really felt a bit disheartened. In my mind, I was thinking 'So how I turn out in the future is based on my parents?' This resulted in me trailing off, thinking about how the future would be like. This reminded me of a particular theory that one of my friend had., which was that only good looking and confident people would be present in the future. This results from the people with good genes reproducing with only the people with good genes hence good children while people with bad genes are just left out. This however is not technically possible, but as I said I was side-tracked, so back to the article. Even though the article states that the gene, known as oxytocin receptor gene, is the gene that helps increase reaction to stress and good social skill and enjoying company of others, the article also further says genes are not destiny. This made me heave a sigh of relief.
Looking at this article has shown me that parent's mindset actually has an ability to affect their child's mindset in the future. However, the child is still the main factor in terms of how his future would turn out like. This hence really made me look up to those people that are able to stand up from their previous generation's negative mindset and then change to become one of those people that changed the world.

Independent Research

Recently I had read an article on Science Daily, regarding facial expressions being developed before birth.
Article link:
This really intrigued me and it made me think about how things that happened without control can affect us in the future. Take this article as an example. Facial expressions include smiling, frowning etc. Just taking smiling in this case, scientist have discovered that there are actually over 50 ways to smile. This made me really think. As we all know smiling is a way to be polite, a way to show gratitude, and a smile is also a factor in what makes people attractive. On the other hand, we also know of some people that smile awkwardly or just don't have the pretty smile that celebrities have. Does that really lead back to when they were still a fetus? Does it also mean that a person's expression of emotion is also in a way controlled by what happened then when they were a fetus?
This really made me feel that the development of the facial expressions is really unfair, since it is uncontrollable and can affect what people say about us. However, this really gave me the excuse when people request for me to smile brighter or open your eyes bigger when you smile, I'll just reply I didn't learn how to do that when I was a fetus. ^^ eyesmile.

Lab Work Reflection

Lab work was one of the more fun things in science lessons than compared to the usual theory that we have. It required application to what we know and also some discipline, which I struggle with, to know when to properly use the lab equipment and when not to use it, or play with it.
Term 1, in my opinion, had one of the most anticipated lab experiments. Having grown up watching variety shows where scientist mix chemicals on shows, making interesting effects out of an everyday liquid, really sparked off my interest. Even though the lab work in that term wasn't that exaggerated, I still felt that it was a really good experience.
Term 2 didn't have any lab lessons. The reasons were really clear. There was no practical needed for biology.
Term 3 did have some lab work, though it was only related to light itself. This really did show me a lot more about light that I had expected. Especially in textbooks where it states 'Light is refracted' and a drawn diagram is drawn for us, it really makes me wonder how it really looks like in reality. Lab work did show me materially what the textbook had explained.

Term 3 Personal Developement

This term was the term that really, in a way, saved my goal from being destroyed. As compared to last term, I did really well. In the previous term, I had reflected and realized that procrastination and laziness was the main cause of me not doing well in my studies. Hence this term, I decided to work extra hard so as to get that exemption.
As explained in my other term 3 reflection, this term had one of the most holidays, which resulted in very little science lessons. This had really taught me the meaning of independent studies as I had to do quite a lot of research on my own, ask a few of my seniors etc. Moreover, I had competition this term which resulted in even fewer lessons that other students. This also taught me how much time really matters to me and how much I should treasure it and use it for things that really matter.
From this 3 terms, I was able to grow from my lazy self in Sec. 1 to become a student that knows how to differentiate when to do the right things, such as studying during the term and playing during the holidays and also how to properly manage my time.

Term 2 Personal Developement

I have to say that this particular term was not exactly what I had in mind. Science became a bit more confusing. Not only the topic on biology, but also chemical equations which I had a bit of a problem on. My results was not an A1, which really dampened my motivation to study, especially since I was aiming for an exemption.
I realized after looking back at this term that I had slackened off. Even though CCA training was more strenuous and often, but i realized that most of the free time that I had was spent watching TV and not studying, which made me do a lot of last minute revision, frantically calling people a few days before the exam to ask them to help me clarify some of my problems. I realized that for me to really get closer and closer to my goal, which was exemption, I had to really buck up and do well for the next test.

Term 1 Personal Developement

In term 1, I don't really have much to describe about my personal development. I was anticipating this year's science curriculum, especially with all my seniors telling me how this year was an important. As compared to last year, I decided to work harder especially since when I was in Sec. 1, my science was not a strong subject. I ended the year off with a B4, making mistakes that should not have been made.
I was really happy for my results this term. I had studied harder than compared to what I was like last year. I then realized the mistakes that I had made in the previous years and have attempted to correct them in this term. Though I still face many problems with my attitude towards studying, I hope that I can grow from there.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Term 3 ACE Reflection

Term 3 ACE was rather rushed. This was because our deadline was in week 6 other than the usual week 8. Moreover, term 3 was the term where we had the least amount of time for science lesson, which hence resulted in us having to balance a huge workload of ace in a short period of time and still study for this term's science topics before the test.
Despite the many complains on why our deadline was so short, looking at it in a different perspective, it proved to be a challenge. At least I could look forward to this. Challenges make life more interesting than it is supposed to be. People could lead the perfect life, scoring As without studying, getting to the programs easily because everyone wants them, however, they would not feel the rush when having to study for something, the rise in tension when they are about to sleep in the exam because they studied till very late at night for the current subject.
Hence, I can actually conclude that this term's science ace actually benefited me more than the others, simply because it shows me how life is supposed to be like, not smooth sailing, but actually challenging with many obstacles.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

MacRitchie Reservoir Reflection

This particular outing was much different from my previous experiences with science outings. This would be because this time it was more of an experimental kind of field trip. The kind that field work that many environmentalist do to survey how things have changed. My previous kind of field trip would just be taking a walk through science center or something, without any experiments at all, to put it simply,it was a school lesson in a posh lecture hall with air conditioning.
This MacRitchie trail was much more fun and enjoyable since me and my group was given a experimental kit which had experimental equipment that helped us to test many things, such as the salinity of water. Moreover, it has shown us the true and most important experimental tool is actually our eyes, how we observe our surroundings, how we see how things change. Like some people have told me, you are looking but you are not seeing, I have seen the result of this statement that day.
This outing was special and had taught me lessons that normal theory in class would not. I have seen the importance of exposure in this field trip, be it to nature or to the human world itself as they can change at anytime and could bring about a huge impact to our environment.