Friday, August 19, 2011

Term 1 reflection

In term 1, we learnt about chemistry. The periodic table, how to write chemical equations, learn about bases, alkalis and acids. It was enjoyable. Especially in the lab, where we were able to really feel how a chemist really feels. Even though we joked around a lot, like saying that the chemicals would explode or something, like in those cartoons, we still managed to see the seriousness of the matter. How safety is important to us and also how this applies to us in the future in our lives. 
There were also work that in a sense 'tested' how hard we could work, such as the 1st online lesson, which requires us to make our own periodic table on a vanguard sheet. I found it especially hard since so many things were required in the process. However, I was still able to successfully finish the task. 
Term 1 was indeed a unforgettable term, since it is the first term that started off the year. This also sparked off and excitement for the rest of the terms, having the first term be so exciting, it would seem like the other terms to come would be exciting as well. 

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