Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ACE term 2 reflection

I felt kind of good for that one PowerPoint that I did that helped me attain the 5 ace points. I really spent a lot of time looking through books for information, looking through websites for examples and even my brother's notes for references. 
I noticed a lot of people that made an impact on science were actually people that were not expected to go far. Take Albert Einstein for example. He was a failure when he was young. His teachers hated him. He should have been aborted. However, without him, we would not have known the solutions to one of science's greatest mystery. I realize many people are blind to what potential people have. 
More than just getting academic advantages, I learnt many values from doing such ace. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Term 3 reflection

In term 3, I was a really hectic term. With all the holidays and so little lessons to cover so much, it's not an easy task to study for such a complicated topic without having many lessons in the first place. I feel that this term is where independent studies really came in. I was fortunate enough to have done an ACE on light the previous term and had a bit of background knowledge on how it works, reflection, refraction and lens too. 
However, what really surprised me is the fact that the average MSG of my class this term is 1.17 which is overly impressive. This really shows despite having so many disadvantages, we are still able to strive. This really teaches me how to be independent and also shows me the importance of background knowledge. 

Term 2 reflection

In term 2, we learnt about biology. Biology, being the topic that excites us young people, turned out to be more complicated than many of us had expected it to be. Especially since this would affect many of us in the future. 
Even though many of the lessons turned out to include many of us laughing at words like STD, Aids and some others, I really learnt how these things actually affect us. 
Such things really made me think about how science could actually save my life. Take STDs as an example. As we know there are sone curable STDs and incurable ones. By knowing which are curable, it can then make me less worried if I happen to get one. 
This also teaches me about responsibility. It shows me how my actions towards a female can affect and change both parties lives. 
This term's lesson would be an important life lesson to me. 

Term 1 reflection

In term 1, we learnt about chemistry. The periodic table, how to write chemical equations, learn about bases, alkalis and acids. It was enjoyable. Especially in the lab, where we were able to really feel how a chemist really feels. Even though we joked around a lot, like saying that the chemicals would explode or something, like in those cartoons, we still managed to see the seriousness of the matter. How safety is important to us and also how this applies to us in the future in our lives. 
There were also work that in a sense 'tested' how hard we could work, such as the 1st online lesson, which requires us to make our own periodic table on a vanguard sheet. I found it especially hard since so many things were required in the process. However, I was still able to successfully finish the task. 
Term 1 was indeed a unforgettable term, since it is the first term that started off the year. This also sparked off and excitement for the rest of the terms, having the first term be so exciting, it would seem like the other terms to come would be exciting as well.